TotalKnavery Blog

Here are the most recent blog posts:

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Craps Strategy - Shadow of the Cross
3 January 2023 | Category: Tabletop and Table Games

It’s definitely been a while since I last posted (count almost two years). This is absolutely because of the life events that had transpired since (read as getting married and having my first son!). That being said, being on parental leave since October of last year has allowed me to weasel in some time to pursue a few interests that I normally did not have the time to fit in. In this case, I was able to dive into a prior hobby, the casino game of craps.

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How I Made This Site
25 April 2021 | Category: Web Development

Well, this is my first post to this website! Not only that, this is my first foray into using the Jekyll static site generator. What intrigued me about this set of tools, was really being able to separate my layouts from content, having the ability to do some things data-driven, and ultimately manage a blog without the need of any back-end data base technology. Serving this website as static pages is also plus too, since these pages should load pretty quickly! Add in the fact that GitHub has built-in Jekyll support for their GitHub pages hosting, and this definitely became a win to setup the new TotalKnavery website!